Thursday, June 12, 2008


well.. only gat left.. BUT WHO CARES ABOUT GAT! =DDDDD

soooooo.. lets see.. my examines:
acc:.. was longer than expected and harder.. not toooo bad tho.. wasnt sure of some stuffzzz.. and didnt really have time to check the entire thing.. blaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.. so longggggg =/

chem: .. sooooo loooooooooooooong. like seriously. 26 pages man!!.. i finished.. but wasnt sure of quite a few questions.. blahz.. i hope i can scrape an A... =((((

what i think, right.. is that we should all stop talking about the exams now!! whats done is done and we cant do anything about it! soooooo.. there really is no point regretting not studying or some shit like that. i know im not regretting what i did, i mean this time i really did try my hardest to do well.. so the result ill be getting in august is the result that reflects my true abilities. sure, it might be low, but these are exams and they were hard. and plus, scaling helps HEAPS! and i think the generally, ppl found acc and chem hard this year.. so if everyone does bad, itll get scaled more! =]

mmh. optimism ;)

anywhoooo.. going out tomooooooo.. going to soo's after gat, then going to city to meet with the ladieeeeeezzzzzz.. then sleepover at soo's.. =DDDD

life is good.

the fone in the lift rang yesterday. again. =/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gat sukss going to the city afterwards too XD
yumcha XD
we shud go crash fei house sumday